Celebrated on the fifth day of the moonlit-fortnight in the month of Shravan according to the Hindu calendar, this festival falls in the month of July /August according to the Gregorian calendar. It is celebrated in various parts of the country amongst the community where it has been prevalent for long. The grandest celebrations can be seen in the southern India and in the states of Bengal and Maharashtra. The festival has religious significance too. It is believed that Snakes have been the savior of human race from the wrath of demons and also, that the earth is balanced on the head of on Shesh Naag.Presented below are some photographs taken on the occassion of the festival.
The Female cobra in full glory.
The fully hooded male cobra.
The Snake Charmer a study in concentration.
The Cobra Couple.
Snake charmer in company of Cobra.
Double Headed Snake.
A Double heade snake crawling.